About Private Violin & Viola Lessons
The Frederick String Initiative is based in the heart of the Frederick community and is an inclusive and grassroots program. The goal at FSI is to set an educational standard, offer personalized instruction, and help each individual reach their potential. Students range in age from 6-18 and include a few adults. Some students may be on a professional track. Many simply benefit from the important life journey string study offers. The first year of instrument study is the most important and there is no easy substitute for specialized, professional instruction. In
the spirit of traditional European and Suzuki violin study, parent involvement is very important. Parents are encouraged to practice with their child until they are able to practice on their own. Daily practicing with an emphasis on good form is key to success. Establishing a foundation and reaching a standard on a stringed instrument is challenging. However, with dedication and practice it is accessible to everyone. Each student's journey will be unique. FSI holds two solo student recitals each year in the Frederick community. High school students and string players from the Frederick community can audition for the Hood College String Ensemble.
Students interested in lessons should read over the tuition and studio policies and contact us for a trial lesson. Students are reminded to consult their private teacher for guidance on obtaining an instrument. Do not purchase or rent an instrument without consulting your teacher first!
“Teaching to the needs of the individual
while setting a high standard”
Approach and Study
Authentic ability must be guided and shaped by the teacher through a thoughtful application of fundamentals. With an understanding of ability and the performers and teachers of history, a teacher can take a student on a logical journey. On average, the best age to begin violin lessons is around 7 years of age. Some individuals are ready before this. For children who are 2-5 years old, Kindermusic can be an appropriate background. Creating a musical environment at home and exposing young children to professional string performances is very important to their musical development.
Students should not join an orchestra before they have developed a foundation with private lessons first. Students around the age of 10 or 11 can begin a successful study of the violin. In some cases, they can catch up with their peers with hard work and dedication. On average, however, the process becomes harder as a student approaches middle school. Professional track students are encouraged to explore music theory, music history, and piano. Students can participate in the ASTACAP Exams. With hard work and dedication it is possible to improve a technique at any age.