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Studio Policies


Students are required to commit to a set number of lessons each semester which is reflected in the tuition.  This speaks to the level of dedication needed to reach a standard in the study of strings.  FSI requires that you commit in writing to 15 lessons in the fall and 17 in the spring when you register online.  When  you enroll for lessons your lesson time is reserved for you for the semester.  Unless noted on the calendar, you will have lessons every week.  Lessons are not scheduled on major holidays.    


You have 3 options to take or make-up a lesson if you cannot make your lesson time:


1)  Use make-up week.  If advance notice is given, students may take a make-up lesson during  make-up week at the end of the semester.   Your make-up lesson will likely be held at your regular day and time during this week.  No make-up lessons will be given after make-up week.   Students receive 15 lessons in the fall and 17 in the spring.   Since there is a make-up week scheduled into the FSI calendar, there are 16 lesson times reserved for you in the fall and 18 in the spring.


There is an additional snow make-up week scheduled in the calendar at the end of the spring semester.  Snow make-ups may be offered virtually on the day itself instead.


2)  With sufficient advanced notice, students can switch lessons with another student who has the same or lesser lesson length.  Students must arrange the switch.  There is no limit on the number of switches a student can take.    At the beginning of the semester students will receive a list of FSI students with their lesson length, time, and contact email.  


3)  Take a virtual lesson if you cannot be there in person.


Late arrivals cannot be guaranteed a full lesson.  If a student misses a make-up lesson or snow make-up lesson it will not be made-up. Any lessons missed due to teacher illness or emergency will be made-up or refunded.  There are no make-ups for missed summer lessons.


New students are encouraged to have a trial lesson before they begin lessons. New and prospective students are welcome to observe a lesson and ensemble rehearsal.


Students will be thoughtfully held to an educational standard. For younger students, parental involvement is very important. Establishing a daily practice routine is vital for everyone in developing confidence and ability. In the end, what is most important is the process and unique journey of each individual student.


Elementary school students should take at least a 30 min lesson.
Middle School students should take at least a 45 min lesson.
High School students should take a 60 min lesson.
Professional Track students should take two lessons a week (45 - 60 min lessons).


Advancing students should be prepared to pay for extra rehearsals with their accompanist as they prepare for recitals, auditions, and competitions.  This will usually start with students performing the Bach Concerto in A minor in Book 7.


Current students are not required to commit to a full summer term, but are encouraged take at least 3 summer lessons if they plan to continue in the fall.  New students have the option of a trial lesson.  Students can sign up for more than one lesson a week and virtual lessons are a possibility during the summer.   Students must register online by June 1.  The deadline for summer tuition is June 15.  There will be no make-up lessons or refunds for missed summer lessons - your lesson time is reserved for you. You must notify FSI in advance if you will miss a lesson.  Current students must notify FSI by August 1st if they do not plan to continue lessons in the fall.


Payment plans are a courtesy - please pay on time.  Students cannot enroll for lessons if they have an outstanding balance from a previous semester.  If a payment is 10 days late a $15 late fee will apply.   An additional $15 will be added to the late fees for each following month that the fees go unpaid.  If a student withdraws from lessons before the end of the semester they will be responsible for the remaining semester tuition.


In the case of inclement weather the studio may follow the decision of the schools.  However, if weather conditions change for the better during the day, lessons may go on a scheduled.  If lessons are cancelled due to snow, one in-person snow day will be made-up for each student. If there is more than one snow day per student, students will be offered a virtual lesson.  In person snow days will be made up at the end of the spring semester as listed on the spring calendar.


If a recital is cancelled due to inclement weather, FSI will attempt to reschedule the recital.  It is possible that rescheduling a recital may not be possible.


PROBATION AND DISMISSAL                                                                                                    
Students can be placed on probation or dismissed for the following reasons:    

1) Reluctance or inability to behave in a respectful manner. 

2) Reluctance or inability to practice consistently.

3) Failure to meet tuition payments in a timely manner.

4) Repeated tardiness.


RECITALS AND PERFORMANCES                                                                          
Student solo recitals are given twice a year at venues in the community.  Ensemble performances are scheduled throughout the year.  Students are required to perform in at least one solo recital a year.  This does not apply to students who have just started lessons.  A recital evaluation will be held three weeks prior to the recital to access and discuss recital preparation.  A $30 recital fee is included in the tuition.  If any recital or performance is cancelled due to weather, recital and/or ensemble fees are non-refundable if the performance cannot be rescheduled.



Students are encouraged to attend professional performances.  A list of performances can be found HERE.

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